Whenever I go to an auction, garage sale or house call, I go with the attitude that I will buy anything that can possibly result in a net profit to me. Sometimes its antiques and collectibles, sometimes its tools and other times Honda ATV's. This fine piece of machinery was sold to me at a garage sale last month. They initially asked $500 for it. I ended up paying $250. Why such a high discount? I'm not really sure. All I did was acted like it was too much. They actually reduced the price without me saying a single word.
Apparently they really wanted to sell it! Five hundred dollars really was too much, but when they almost immediately reduced the price to $250 I just couldn't resist. I've never taken one of these things for a ride before so my dog Ekho, took it by the reigns to show me how. She raced around in circles for about 1/2 hour in my back yard. Although she really enjoyed the ride, in the end I had to break it to her that we just couldn't afford to keep it right now. Disappointed, she asked for a photo to remember her day with.
The photo taken it was now time to sell the ATV. Onto Craigslist it went and it sold in less than a day. Don't be afraid to buy it just because its not an antique. Because a $200 profit on an ATV is just as good as a $200 profit on a set of sterling flatware...and just think of the memories that your dog will have.